Grand Challenges Research Building

Kitchell Contractors // 03.2024

The Challenge

Kitchell Contractors is a leader in innovation and quality commercial construction. They were tasked with building the Grand Challenges Research Building at the University of Arizona.

This project required meticulous planning and frequent communication with specialized subcontractors. With safety at the forefront of their minds, Kitchell Contractors worked tirelessly to complete this state-of-the-art facility as efficiently as possible.

Weekly Work Planning

Using allucent’s weekly work plan feature the team was able to get precise updates weekly, rather than monthly updates, resulting in unprecedented time savings.

Pull Planning:

Right from the beginning of the project, the team used allucent’s pull planning tool to get an idea of the extra time they could use as challenges arose. With a keen awareness of their remaining time, they overcame scheduling conflicts without adding any additional days to the project.

Seamless Collaboration:

The project superintendent and Kitchell’s director of scheduling were able to communicate quickly making meetings effective, yet brief. Subcontractors could also add their updates easily, which would be seen by the scheduler, who could then approve the information in the allucent app.

"The weekly updates through allucent just cut our update time in half. We were able to see impacts within a week's time. Instead of waiting for a whole month to see those doing monthly updates. So the weekly updates really help."

-Matthew T. Guerena | Director of Scheduling at Kitchell Contractors

The Solution

Kitchell adopted the use of allucent software early in their project. allucent’s collaborative possibilities allowed for a focused look into the schedule which allowed them to save over 180 days throughout their project.

The story doesn’t end here